The Leaflet
Inheritance, financial planning, investing, and philanthropic news

What To Do After Inheriting A House
Learn what you need to know after inheriting a house and how to manage an inherited home, whether you have recently inherited property or think you may in the future.

Understanding Wealth and Guilt
Learn why many inheritors feel guilt about inherited wealth and how to use philanthropic, personal, and political giving to move beyond guilt to create positive associations with inherited wealth.

The Complete Guide to Donor Advised Funds Versus Private Foundations
An in-depth breakdown of the benefits and drawbacks of Donor Advised Funds and private foundations and the rules, tax benefits, and set-up/ongoing requirements for each giving vehicle.

First Quarter 2024 Stock Market Performance and Economic Outlook
Want to know what's going on in the market but don't have time or patience for jargon, charts, or graphs? Listen or watch this easy-to-digest 8-minute recap covering the biggest news your NEED to know.

How Do You Receive Money from an Inheritance?
Learn how you receive money from an inheritance and the 10 steps that need to happen between a loved one’s death and receiving an inheritance.

How Can Inheritors Redistribute Wealth?
A guide for inheritors who want to redistribute their inheritance to promote a more fair and just society and the equal distribution of wealth, land, and power in the United States.

The Truth About Impact Investing
Read transcript highlights or listen to the full episode to hear Katherine Fox and Josh Hile’s discussion on greenwashing in impact investing, the difference between impact investing and ESG, and return expectations for impact investments.

5 Things All Inheritors Should Know About Probate
The information you need to know about probate, whether you’re going through it now or trying to explain to your parents why they need to update their estate plan to avoid probate after they die.

What are the Differences Between Wills and Trusts?
There are simple and clear differences between wills and trusts. Get a breakdown of the what, why, and how of wills and trusts to understand their purpose and what they may mean for your inheritance.

5 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About the Inheritance Process
Save yourself time and heartache by learning the five things everyone needs to know about what happens after a loved one dies.

How your Wealth can Support Democracy in 2024: Combat Election Disinformation
We are in an election year during an era of high partisanship, as well as realized and threatened acts of political violence. The threats facing democracy require engaged citizens to take action early and often in 2024. Together, our actions can support America’s democratic process and fight the tide of politicians championing an autocratic, regressive vision for America’s future.

5 Things To Do With Inherited Wealth
The five most common places inheritors of multi-million dollar estates should look to when building a plan to manage their inheritance.