Financial Planning & Values Aligned Investing for Gen X, Millennial, and Gen-Z Inheritors

You didn’t learn this in school

Image of Sunnybranch Wealth Founder Katherine Fox sitting on a steps smiling at the canera

As Seen In

Your Partner in Navigating the Steps of Inheritance

Get help managing an inheritance or planning for one that may be decades in the future.

Inheriting wealth can be a difficult, confusing, and emotional process. While navigating a web of grief, complicated emotions, and family dynamics after the loss of a loved one, you also need to become an overnight expert on

  • Probate

  • Estate settlement

  • Wills and trusts

  • Inheritance taxes, estate taxes, and capital gains taxes

The inheritance process doesn’t have to be this hard. 

I help inheritors and future inheritors build wealth and define a legacy of positive impact and giving back.

I work with Gen X, Millennial, and Gen Z clients who have inherited wealth, are currently navigating an estate settlement, or expect to inherit wealth years in the future, feel confident in building a long-term financial plan for their inheritance

Sunnybranch is a space for anyone who feels like the traditional financial advice industry isn’t for them. You might want to give all your money away or build a legacy that doesn’t involve a partner or children. Maybe you’re just tired of men telling you what to do with your money. However you show up, I’ll help you build your plan to manage, grow, and share your inheritance.

I provide comprehensive financial planning, social impact investing, and charitable giving plans to help you create a values-driven approach to managing your wealth.

Katherine Fox, Sunnybranch Wealth Founder, CFP, CAP smiling and leaning on a table

Hi, I’m Katherine

A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® , wealth advisor and fellow Inheritor

I’ve always loved talking about money.

At a young age, I started learning about investing, saving, and how to build and maintain wealth. As my knowledge grew, so did my passion for sharing financial concepts with others in a simple and relatable way. It was natural for me to end up in wealth management!

As a fourth-generation member of a philanthropic family that successfully passed wealth and values down across generations, I believe the privilege of holding wealth confers a responsibility to give back and an obligation to investigate how we can create meaningful change in the world.

I founded Sunnybranch based on this principle, to help inheritors define their own legacy, plan for the future, grow their wealth, and become agents of change through comprehensive financial planning, impact investing, and philanthropic giving.

Learn What to Do With an Inheritance

Whether you’re learning the difference between a trustee vs executor, confused by the provisions of an Irrevocable trust, navigating the tax implications of an inheritance, or don’t know what you should know about receiving an inheritance, there is no one-size-fits-all method and no timeline to go from “navigating an inheritance” to “stewarding and growing inherited wealth.”  

As a Sunnybranch client, I’ll help you navigate a three-step process to manage your inheritance.

  • Woman looking out over a bridge thinking about how to make the most of her inheritance.


    You may have inherited a complex estate with irrevocable trusts, real estate, and illiquid assets, a “simple” probate estate, or you might not expect to inherit for decades. Whatever the case, the first part of our work will focus on understanding your situation and answering your most immediate questions.

  • Mountain range at dawn represents building a long-term financial plan for inheritance.


    Inherited wealth can change your life. Together we’ll explore the possibilities your new wealth creates as we build a long-term financial plan for your inheritance. For future inheritors, I focus on getting your financial life in order now and educating you on what to know about receiving an inheritance.

  • Flowering cherry tree at sunset represents new opportunities after receiving an inheritance.


    I’m in it with you for the long-haul. After navigating the steps of inheritance, we’ll build a plan together to grow your wealth and positive impact over the coming decades. Change is a constant, and I’ll be there at every step to help you adapt and pivot to whatever curveballs life throws your way.

Build a Long-Term Financial Plan to Help Manage a Current or Future Inheritance

Put your money where your values are

Becoming wealthy doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your values. At the same time, creating a meaningful impact with your money can seem daunting. With the right person in your corner, wealth and giving back can go hand-in-hand

Whether you’re building financial security now with an expected inheritance in mind, trying to understand the ins and outs of wills, trusts, and the estate settlement process, or finally have the mental space to deal with money you’ve already inherited, I can help you build a plan to meet your goals and help you use your wealth to create meaningful impact - whether that means growing your inheritance or creating a plan to give it all away.

Inheritance and Market News